





No, for real, Bad Boy Bill can scratch lika mofo! I had to stop and give it up for that DJ!!! It's like he planned the fattest build you can think of, got you already for the bass line, made you want it, made you enjoy wanting it, and just when you thought you were going to get a phat steady bass line you got it in spades. I said you got it in SPADES KID! The kicker started to pound and Bill scratched and scribbled his way into my head with a sweet scratch session. It was all dropping so hard and all at once that I just had to smile and look around for other people doing the same thing. You can dance anytime, but how often do you get to feel this? Not enough. Anyway, after I got over that, it was time to bust out again.
Orion was just perfect that night, and having Trance in the basement made a lot of sense, even though having Jungle upstairs didn't. The mostly empty hardcore room was bangin too, but as always hardcore just seemed too hard to groove to. The main room, free of Trance for most of the night just went off. Best of all there was enough room to move as the DJ booth was nested above the crowd. If you stood about 15 feet away you could see the DJ, which meant that most people stood about 15 feet away. This, in turn, meant that there was about 15 feet of dance space right up front. An open, well it area right in front of everyone where you could try to be instantly cool as long as you could dance under the spotlight.
But what about the Jungle room? O.D.I., R.A.W., Alder, Origin, and more took care of it all night, despite a few electrical problems, which at this point are accepted as part of the Jungle experience due to their geyser like regularity. So, what about the Jungle room? Who would want to miss Bad Boy Bill for Scooba? Not me, BUT, then again I did want to catch at least a few mixes from one of So Cal's best. Maybe I like Scooba because we have the same taste in records, or because he moves his head to the beat the same way I do, but either way, that kid can mix. A respectful "Peace Out!" and "Mad Respect!" communicated to the selectah through an emphatic peace sign before I catch a few more minutes of House and get the hell out of LA and back to San Diego for a well deserved and guilt free Sunday of deep sleep.

 Everyday Junglists: MC Kemst and Alder

I think that this is the Bad One right here, but I don't know for sure.






